The content for our second ‘O in a Box’ schools programme is ready for download. Where Level 1 focused on map orientation, that symbols represent objects, the relationship between objects and distance, Level 2 is a little more map directed. In this programme we learn about map symbols and colours, introduce control descriptions and the skill of thumbing and folding as well as improve map familiarity.
Boxes containing both Level 1 and Level 2 were distributed to the schools participating in this year’s Orienteering Schools League, which is currently underway. They’re the first schools to receive the Level 2 content.
Both programmes are available online and they’re available for download. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, club coach or orienteer, please make use of these games and activities to teach other or to improve your orienteering skills.
These boxes, containing a file with activity sheets and laminated cards as well as equipment for the games (cones, ropes, boxes), are provided to the schools at no charge. The development and distribution of this orienteering expansion programme is made possible by funding from the National Lottery Distribution Fund Trust and the Department of Sport and Recreation.