First Licensed SA Orienteering Coaches

SAOF_Coaches_ArticleImOn behalf of the SAOF Coaching commission we are pleased to announce that:

1)      The SAOF management committee has agreed to accept the recommendation that completion of the UK Coaching Certificates (UKCC) qualification will be granted equivalence in SA and thus individuals completing the UKCC are awarded the SA Orienteering Coaching Certificate (SAOCC)

2)      The licensing of the following assistant coaches and coaches is effective October 2013

The following applications to be registered as assistant coaches has been accepted:

Karen Chambers,
Ashley Coetzee,
Michael Palombo,
Anthony Stott
Pieter Swaneveld

These individuals  successfully completed their SAOCC  level 1 and have agreed to abide by the coaches code of conduct.
They coach the entry level skills and deliver their sessions in schools/ small parks

The following applications to be registered as coaches have also been accepted:

Margaret Archibald,
Zoe Brentano,
Lisa de Speville,
Bruce Meier,
Sarah Pope,
Craig Ogilvie,
Tania Wimberley

These individuals  successfully completed their SAOCC  level 2 and have agreed to abide by the coaches code of conduct.
They coach across the whole spectrum of skills and deliver these in any area, including more technical and remote terrain

More information on the coaching structure in SA, and how it fits into the South African Long term Coaching Development framework can be found here

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