Guide to awarding school colours for orienteering

The following criteria were created by teacher Jill Kuper from Randpark High. Jill has been involved with the Orienteering Schools League for many year. any additional input would be appreciated.

Senior colours are awarded to athletes in Grades 10, 11 and 12.

Junior colours are awarded to athletes in Grades 8 and 9.

Full colours

Athletes must:

  • attend 80% of meetings (3 out of 4 OSL events)
  • attend 80% of practices
  • have a log score above 800 points (average of the best 3 out of 4 point scores)
  • be selected to participate in the Final

Half colours

Athletes must:

  • attend 80% of meetings (3 out of 4 OSL events)
  • attend 80% of practices
  • have a log score between 700 and 799 points (average of the best 3 out of 4 point scores)

Team colours

  • Awarded to Grades 10, 11 and 12
  • Athletes with log scores between 500 and 699 points


Ccitations are awarded to any participating athlete (Grades 8 to 12) who didn’t qualify for colours but is worthy of an award. Citations may be recognition for ‘Dedication’ or ‘Participation’.