
Things related to Finance can be found here, please contact for more information, and comments on how to make the money matters run smoothly.

Operations Manual

  • How do I go about spending SAOF money?

It works with prior approval and then reimbursement (with some prior payments for bigger projects).

  1. SAOF sends out a tender. This can be done with development projects, mapping of a sanctioned event area, coaching projects etc. Sub-committees have agreed projects that are considered approved by the SAOF VP responsible, for amounts less than R30 000.
  2. Interested parties supply an official quote for the service.
  3. SAOF considers the quote, and if approved, let’s you know with a reference number.
  4. You may or may not be paid an advance/ initial amount depending on the terms and conditions.
  5. You deliver the goods, service or map.
  6. On proof of completion of the service you get paid the balance of the agreed amount (please allow 30 days for payment). Include the reference number you obtained on approval, together with your receipts and details on the expenses sheet, and submit that to SAOF.

If you want to pay SAOF money, on the other hand, please find the banking details below, and include your name and club in the
reference. For affiliation fees and levies (see template link above), please use AFF <clubname>.

Banking details
Bank: Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd
Branch: Hyde Park (006-605)
Account name: South African Orienteering Federation
Type of account: Current (cheque account)
Account number: 072635908
Reference: <name> <club name>

Please contact for queries, invoices for university affiliated clubs etc.