At the Technical seminars held in 2009, it was recognised that making orienteering maps is one of the “barriers to entry” that inhibits growth of orienteering throughout South Africa. Furthermore it was recognised that maps do not need to be to ISOM 2000 and ISSOM 2007 standards to host introductory events.
At these Technical seminars the SAOF expressed its desire to form a Mapping commission to tackle various issues around map making for Orienteering in South Africa.
Mapping Strategy
There are three components to our mapping strategy: Strategic Maps; Mapper Training; School Maps. More information about our mapping strategy can be found here.
Mapping Resources
A list of resources useful for making orienteering maps to various standards can be found here.
Mapping Standards
Below you will find a series of links to the various International mapping standards documents on the IOF website:
International Specification for Orienteering Maps 2000.pdf (1.79 MB)
International Specification for Sprint Orienteering Maps 2007.pdf (577.87 kB)
International Specification for MTB Orienteering Maps 2010.pdf (1.15 MB)
IOF Control Descriptions 2004.pdf (1.17 MB)
Control Descriptions 2004 symbols only.pdf (324.12 kB)
Mapping Articles
Follow this link for various articles about orienteering maps.