Event Organising refers to all the elements involved in putting on an Orienteering event. These elements include the roles of Planner, Controller and Organiser. In terms of increasing event standards, there is a progression of levels of Event Organisation. The progression hierarchy is as follows:
- Fun events, Training events, Come And Try It events.
- Schools League events.
- Sprint League events.
- Colour-Coded League events
- Regional Championship Events
- National Championship Events
- World Ranking Events
The SAOF aims to develop a training and accreditation system that enables interested people to follow the progression Event Organisation. At present, the various clubs effectively train their members up to the different level. It is envisaged that the clubs should continue to take responsibility for this up to Colour-Coded League events.
In order to put on a World Ranking Event, an IOF accredited Event Adviser is required. The IOF offers training and accreditation courses to this end. This approach is the way in which the IOF ensures event quality. In the same way the SAOF aims to move towards a situation where Provincial and National events have an associated SAOF accredited Event Adviser.