Some of our School Maps

The map below shows the locations of the schools we are mapping in this project.

SA Provinces and schools


Here are some of the maps that we have completed so far and sent to the schools.

Alencon PS Alipore 1500  Atholton PS
 Bateleur College  Chrome Mine PS  Deutsche Schule Johannesburg
 Dynamique PS  Dzimauli SS  Enhlisa PS
 Fauna PS 2000  Fauna PS  Frank Mashile SS
 Gelukwaarts  Franklin D Roosevelt PS  Gidela SS
 Glenwood PS  Goronyane SS  Hartley Road PS
 Ilanga SS  Jens PS  Streets around Kokstad JS
 Hoerskool Hans Strydom  Amohelang SS  Korea School
 Rosettenville Central PS  Kensington Ridge PS  Kopano Ithuteng
 Kuilsville HS  Ladysmith HS  Mabopa-Abo Mpuwa
 Masebe PS  Melmoth CS  Mmampatile PS
 Motswela Secondary School  Mulbarton RS  North Riding SS
 Paint  Potoko HS  Warden PS
 Qondokuhle JPS  Riverdene SS  Rydal Park SS
 Sand du Plessis PS  St Catherines  Troyeville PS
 St Theresas RC PS  Strydenburg GS  Taaibos PS
 Thakameso CSC  Tshikundamalema SS  Unicorn PS
 Weiveld SS  Xihoko PS  St Augustines