Guide or policy

SAOF bound by IOF Code of Ethics

The IOF has a Code of Ethics aimed at preserving the integrity and reputation of the IOF and IOF events. The code applies to all federations (full or provisional members) as well as to the IOF Council and all elected,…
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Updated SAOF Constitution and Safeguarding Policy

An update constitution and safeguarding policies were approved at the recent SAOF AGM at Maretlwane. Amendments to the Constitution SAOF Constitution The main change to the constitution was the addition of a clause about Public Benefit Organisation Requirements. It was…
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Orienteering Embargo Areas

Orienteers are reminded of embargo rules around orienteering events. All National and Provincial Championship venues are embargoed from the date the event id published. Various embargo rules are in place for local league events.

Guide to awarding school colours for orienteering

The following criteria were created by teacher Jill Kuper from Randpark High. Jill has been involved with the Orienteering Schools League for many year. any additional input would be appreciated.