Please consider the embargo rules when visiting the areas that will be used for orienteering:
- All Championship events are embargoed from when the calendar is published until the day of competition.
- Typical, Urban Series / Sprint events are embargoed 1 day before and the day of the competition. In Gauteng the Sprint Cup and GOC relays will fall into this category.
- Bush Series (Gauteng) and Colour-Coded events are embargoed from when the calendar is published until the day of competition.
The embargo means that you cannot enter the area covered by the competition map. The aim is to keep the competition as fair as possible.
If the embargo cannot be upheld by an individual, they can usually still enter the event in a non-competitive capacity. They can still enjoy the orienteering, but will not qualify for championship honours, for points on the log or special prizes.
Individuals are expected to be aware of which areas are embargoed based on the calendar, and if an embargo is violated, volunteer to run non-competitively.